.. _userdata: Userdata ======== The *userdata* is the user custom content exposed to the guest instance by the currently deployed and running cloud infrastructure. Its purpose is to provide additional data for the instance to customize it as much as you need, if the cloud initialization service does support this feature. Fortunately, *cloudbase-init* is able to interpret and use this kind of user specific data in multiple ways. In most of the cases, the thing that indicates of what type is the processed data is usually the **first line**. Currently supported contents: PEM certificate --------------- **-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----** This one should start with a PEM specific beginning header, which will be eventually parsed by the :ref:`configuration drive ` and :ref:`web API ` OpenStack services and used by the :ref:`certificate` plugin for storing and using it. Batch ----- **rem cmd** The file is executed in a *cmd.exe* shell (can be changed with the `COMSPEC` environment variable). PowerShell ---------- **#ps1_sysnative** (system native) **#ps1_x86** (Windows On Windows 32bit) Execute PowerShell scripts using the desired executable. For finding out more about the system nativeness thing, click :ref:`here `. Bash ---- **#!/bin/bash** A bash shell needs to be installed in the system and available in the `PATH` in order to use this feature. Python ------ **#!/usr/bin/env python** Python is available by default with the build itself, but also it must be in the system `PATH`. EC2 format ---------- There is no "first line" here, but the content should follow a XML pattern with valid Batch/PowerShell script contents under **script** or **powershell** enclosing tags like in this example: .. code-block:: xml $root = $env:SystemDrive $dname = Get-Content "$root\ec2file.txt" New-Item -path "$root\$dname" -type directory .. note:: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/WindowsGuide/UsingConfig_WinAMI.html Cloud config ------------ **#cloud-config** Cloud-config YAML configuration as supported by *cloud-init*, excluding Linux specific content. The following cloud-config directives are supported: * write_files - Defines a set of files which will be created on the local filesystem. It can be a list of items or only one item, with the following attributes: 1. path - Absolute path on disk where the content should be written. 2. content - The content which will be written in the given file. 3. permissions - Integer representing file permissions. 4. encoding - The encoding of the data in content. Supported encodings are: b64, base64 for base64-encoded content, gz, gzip for gzip encoded content, gz+b64, gz+base64, gzip+b64, gzip+base64 for base64 encoded gzip content. *Examples:* .. code-block:: xml # One item write_files: encoding: b64 content: NDI= path: C:\test permissions: '0o466' .. code-block:: xml # Multiple items write_files: - encoding: b64 content: NDI= path: C:\b64 permissions: '0644' - encoding: base64 content: NDI= path: C:\b64_1 permissions: '0644' - encoding: gzip content: !!binary | H4sIAGUfoFQC/zMxAgCIsCQyAgAAAA== path: C:\gzip permissions: '0644' * set_timezone - Change the underlying timezone. *Example:* .. code-block:: text set_timezone: Asia/Tbilisi * set_hostname - Override the already default set host name value. (metadata) *Example:* .. code-block:: text set_hostname: newhostname Multi-part content ------------------ MIME multi-part user data is supported. The content will ne handled based on the content type. * text/x-shellscript - Any script to be executed: PowerShell, Batch, Bash or Python. * text/part-handler - A script that can manage other content type parts. This is used in particular by Heat / CFN templates, although Linux specific. * text/x-cfninitdata - Heat / CFN content. Written to the path provided by `heat_config_dir` option which defaults to "C:\\cfn". (examples of Heat Windows `templates`_) ---- .. _sysnative: Sysnativeness ------------- *When deciding which path to use for system executable files...* On 32bit OSes, the return value will be the *System32* directory, which contains 32bit programs. On 64bit OSes, the return value may be different, depending on the Python bits and the `sysnative` parameter. If the Python interpreter is 32bit, the return value will be *System32* (containing 32bit programs) if `sysnative` is set to False and *Sysnative* otherwise. But if the Python interpreter is 64bit and `sysnative` is False, the return value will be *SysWOW64* and *System32* for a True value of `sysnative`. Why this behavior and what is the purpose of `sysnative` parameter? On a 32bit OS the things are clear, there is one *System32* directory containing 32bit applications and that's all. On a 64bit OS, there's a *System32* directory containing 64bit applications and a compatibility one named *SysWOW64* (WindowsOnWindows) containing the 32bit version of them. Depending on the Python interpreter's bits, the `sysnative` flag will try to bring the appropriate version of the system directory, more exactly, the physical *System32* or *SysWOW64* found on disk. On a WOW case (32bit interpreter on 64bit OS), a return value of *System32* will point to the physical *SysWOW64* directory and a return value of *Sysnative*, which is consolidated by the existence of this alias, will point to the real physical *System32* directory found on disk. If the OS is still 64bit and there is no WOW case (that means the interpreter is 64bit), the system native concept is out of discussion and each return value will point to the physical location it intends to. On a 32bit OS the `sysnative` parameter has no meaning, but on a 64bit one, based on its value, it will provide a real/alias path pointing to system native applications if set to True (64bit programs) and to system compatibility applications if set to False (32bit programs). Its purpose is to provide the correct system paths by taking into account the Python interpreter bits too, because on a 32bit interpreter version, *System32* is not the same with the *System32* on a 64bit interpreter. Also, using a 64bit interpreter, the *Sysnative* alias will not work, but the `sysnative` parameter will take care to return *SysWOW64* if you explicitly want 32bit applications, by setting it to False. .. _templates: https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates/tree/master/hot/Windows